Can you do it?
Tell me about your research in three minutes — go!
It is an essential skill to be able to describe your dissertation in a clear and succinct way that engages people and communicates the importance of your work. Whether it is in a networking situation, interview, or simply speaking to peers, you need to be able to convey your research without having your listeners’ eyes glaze over because they have no idea what you are communicating.
Join your peers from around the world and gain skills right here at UConn to be able to successfully communicate your research in three minutes. You can gain academic, presentation, and research communication skills by participating in the workshops designed to prepare you for the Three Minute Thesis Competition (3MT®).
The Graduate School is collaborating with the Institute for Teaching and Learning, Center for Career Development, and Library to host a variety of workshops to help students prepare for the Fall 2015 3MT competition. Be sure to check The Graduate School Website and listserv for updates: grad.uconn.edu. You can see past internal winners of the competition on The Graduate School’s Vimeo channel: http://vimeo.com/uconngradschool. Throughout the years, UConn has submitted entries from many disciplines ranging from Medical Pharmacology to Political Science.
The 3MT competition began at the University of Queensland in 2008, and rapidly expanded to other Australian and New Zealand universities. Enthusiasm for 3MT grew rapidly throughout the world, with the competition now being held in twelve countries. This year marks the third 3MT competition sponsored by Universitas 21 (U21), the leading global network of research-intensive universities. UConn is proud to be one of only four U.S. universities who are institutional members of U21.
The 3MT competition is a great opportunity to communicate the results of your research to a broad audience. We hope that you participate in the Three Minute Thesis Competition (3MT®) this coming fall.
Charmane Thurmand
Graduate Diversity Officer (GDO)
Office of the Vice Provost for Graduate Education
and Dean of the The Graduate School
University of Connecticut
Kay Kimball Gruder
Career Consultant – The Graduate School
Center for Career Development
University of Connecticut