I know what you’re thinking, “Ana, it’s too late to find a summer internship.” But, hear me out – it’s not! Students are still finding opportunities and recruiters are still working to review resumes and interview candidates. While it you may find more opportunities through searching earlier, securing a summer internship is still within reach; here are five tips and strategies for conducting your search:
Have your documents critiqued! You’ll want to make sure that you’re submitting resumes, cover letters, and other application materials typo-free. This helps to showcase your strong attention to detail – and helps convey that you truly care about the position and the organization. The Center for Career Development offers resume critiques and cover letter walk-in hours every day (just call the Center for Career Development front desk at 860-486-3013 to reserve your slot!).
Begin applying online to opportunities. While applying on company websites and search tools is only one step in securing an internship, it is an important one. Utilize a tool such as HuskyCareerLink, a job board exclusive to UConn students, to locate and apply for positions. In addition, consider using an industry-specific search tool (click here to review a selected list of such resources).
Network, network, network! Applying to positions online is one step in your search – but many more opportunities can be untapped through networking. Consider reaching out to individuals you already know (such as neighbors, coaches, and professors) to gain more insight about companies and industries – and even using a tool such as LinkedIn to reach out to UConn alumni. Request informational interviews to begin building connections at the organizations you’re most interested in. After all, it’s very safe to say that recruiters are more likely to hire students that show initiative and have already engaged in some networking at their organization.
Prepare yourself for interviews – practice! No matter your industry, it’s very likely you’ll need to interview to secure a position. Interviews can be nerve-wracking, but the Center for Career Development can help! Our team conducts Practice Interviews each day, and can even tailor questions to your specific industry. These Practice Interviews are the perfect way to test out a new interview outfit and try answering some questions, knowing that you’ll receive real-time feedback. To learn more and to schedule your Practice Interview, click here.
Utilize the buddy system. Searching for an internship can be lonely – and it can feel like everyone has an internship but you. Reach out to someone who can help you through this process (such as a Career Consultant here at the Center for Career Development!). Career Consultants can provide insight, offer recommendations, and even help keep you accountable and ensure that you’re working towards your goal. For example, perhaps set a goal that you’ll reach out to 5 alumni via LinkedIn in the next two weeks; Center for Career Development staff can check in with you to ensure that you’re working towards that goal – and to keep you company through this process. The Center for Career Development offers walk-in slots each day! Simply call the Center for Career Development front desk at 860-486-3013 to reserve your time.
Securing a summer internship is still possible! By thinking about your goals for the summer and preparing yourself for the opportunities to come, you can set yourself up for a summer of strong professional development – and remember, the Center for Career Development is here to help you every step of the way!