Career Cloud recently posted an article about the 10 best places to upload your resume in 2021. While the article clearly states that the content of the resume is most important, it is followed closely by the quality of the site you’re using to post your resume. What type of job you want should dictate the site you use.
That said, university career sites are #9 on the list – and here’s why: recruiters know the UConn CAHNR “brand” and the education a UConn Husky has received. They have a positive experience with other CAHNR students and grads and trust that they will get great talent from UConn. Employers post positions in Handshake, UConn’s on-line platform, because they’re specifically looking for Huskies. They may be alums, they may be successful recruiters – or both – but they know they can trust UConn’s Handshake platform to find the talent they need.
How can you become a part of this? Every UConn student has an account in Handshake – it just has to be activated. Once you activate it (set up your password), spend some time creating your profile. Visit the Center for Career Development to have your resume reviewed and upload it to your Handshake profile. The Career Center will review your profile as well, if you want, in addition to your LinkedIn profile (a topic for another day).
Once you’ve set up your account to your satisfaction (how you’d like an employer to view you), explore Handshake for opportunities. There are many employers looking for CAHNR students – from local farms to international environmental firms, and everything in-between. Handshake is a very strong search engine for jobs specifically tailored for UConn students and recent grads. You can search by location, industry, major, or company. If you have a specific company in mind, “follow” them – you will be notified any time they post a position or schedule an event.
Perhaps just as important, though, many of these employers will seek you out – they will use Handshake to find their perfect candidate and notify you when they’ll be offering programming or posting a job you’d be a good fit for. As long as your profile is public, many (and a growing number) employers will message you directly with opportunities. Make sure your profile reflects your major, relevant courses, and experience in the field. Recruiters looking for both interns and full-time staff will find you.
The Center for Career Development is working hard to gather employers to post positions and find their talent at UConn – use the tool proactively to find your path to your career. While they will reach out to many students, the initiative you take to follow and reach out to them will set you up well for your next big thing. Upload your resume today!