If this is your first time visiting the Education and Sports career community, you might be wondering what it is and how to use it. Let’s face it, our website is pretty great but it can be tough sometimes to find exactly what you are looking for. You can think of this career community as place where you can find curated content directly related to interest areas in the fields of Education or Sport. On this page you will find recent blog posts, some job or internship opportunities, and ways to connect with professionals in the field or your peers with similar interests. We’ll find and point you to resources that can help you along the way without you having to dig around on career.uconn.edu. We like to keep these pages up to date so check back for new events, recent job or internship postings, and alums who can give you some real tips and advice. I encourage you to explore the other Career or Affinity communities and follow the ones you like!
- How Do I…
- Partners
- Career & Affinity Communities
- Career Communities
- Agriculture, Animals, Food, and the Environment
- Arts, Media, and Communication
- Business, Finance, Sales, and Marketing
- Doctoral Degree
- Education and Sports
- Government, Public Administration, and Law
- Healthcare and Wellness
- Innovation and Entrepreneurship
- Non-profit and Social Service
- Science, Data, and Technology
- Sustainability, Conservation, and Energy
- Affinity Communities
- Asian and Asian American Community
- Black Community
- First-Generation Students
- International Students
- Latine Community
- Middle Eastern and North African Community
- Native and Indigenous Community
- Neurodiverse Community
- Religiously Affiliated
- Students with Disabilities
- Undocumented and DACAmented Students
- Veterans and Service Members
- Women
- Career Communities
- Events
- Outcomes
- Life Skills
- Work+ UConn
- Regional Campuses
- About Us