What is the UNIV 1820 “Making Major Decisions” course all about?

UConn offers a wide variety of majors and choosing one may feel like a daunting task when you are unsure about what you want to do in the future. That is why the “Making Major Decision” course has been created! This is a one-credit course that is all about major exploration.

The goal of this course is to be able to confidently declare a major at the end of the course.

The first four weeks will focus on self-exploration through a variety of personality tests, identifying strengths and weaknesses, and setting goals. Students will identify their values and interests and allow that to assist them in their major exploration.  Students will also get a chance to work with TME mentors, network with staff, and speak with career coaches. Each student will work on a Major Exploration Portfolio throughout the semester to complete these activities.

            This class is an awesome way to learn about majors you didn’t know about before and learn more about yourself. It makes the process of selecting a major a lot less scary and you learn that it’s okay to not have it all figured out yet. This class is perfect for you if you want to explore different majors before committing to one, you are in a major you are considering switching, or if you want to learn more about yourself. Be on the lookout for this course when choosing your classes for next semester!

Photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash

By Alicja Kurpinowicz
Alicja Kurpinowicz