Welcome to the Arts, Media, and Communication community!

The Arts, Media, and Communication community will provide resources, information, and a virtual space for students and alumni interested in working within the arts, media, and communications industries.  As a follower of the Arts, Media, and Communication community, you will get timely alerts on internships, co-ops, jobs, blogs, and events posted on the page.  

Career and self-development are life-long processes that evolve as new experiences and information are obtained. Use this page to design your career and self-development strategically. Review the list of student and professional organizations and decide which opportunities best align with your career goals. Connect with a Husky Mentor to engage in career conversations that will expand your network and give you an on-the-job perspective. Explore your options by reviewing Job Market Insights and the UConn Undergraduate Outcomes.  

What’s it like to complete a Virtual Micro-Internship?

Micro-internships are short-term experiences that give you the opportunity to complete work that’s relevant to your career interests. Learn what it’s like to complete one and why you should consider it!

By Lily Guberman
Lily Guberman Marketing Assistant
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Creating Your Art Portfolio

As an art student, your portfolio is essential to your career as it allows you to both demonstrate your skills as well as provide more information to interviewers and recruiters.

By Cameron Turnbull
Cameron Turnbull
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Alumni Spotlight: Fernando Alfonso III

Meet Fernando Alfonso III, a senior supervising editor at NPR and an Adjunct Faculty Member at Morehouse College. He is a UConn Alum form the class of ’09 graduating with a Bachelor of Arts in English.The Center for Career Development sat down with Fernando to hear more about his experience as a first generation student and how that has impacted him throughout his career!

By Mary Malerba
Mary Malerba Assistant Director, Alumni Relations
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UConn’s Communication Department Labs

Learn about the multitude of research opportunities offered by UConn’s Department of Communication

By Jarrin Araujo
Jarrin Araujo
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Insight & Perspective in the World of Copywriting

 Have you ever come across a billboard or an ad that made you stop? Made you think? Maybe even made you laugh?  When such an impression lingers there, as you connect it to the brand, the power of copywriting is hard at work.

By Andrea Gonzalez
Andrea Gonzalez
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Job Market InsightsIn partnership withLightcast logo

Explore occupations by career categories and pathways and use real time labor market data to power your decision making.

First, choose an industry of interest, then filter for occupation. (If you'd like to see data for a specific location only, filter by state.)

Career Outcomes

  • First Destination
  • Top Employers
  • Starting Salary
  • Employment Locations
  • Top Universities
  • Degree Types
  • Fields of Study

First Destination

First Destination refers to undergraduate outcomes within the 6 months following graduation. The data is collected through a survey distributed to students at graduation, and again in the months following, to gain insight on their lives post-graduation. This information may come directly from the graduates via, for example, a survey method. Relevant data, however, may also be provided by employers, or obtained through other sources (e.g., LinkedIn profiles, other online sources, fellow graduates, or parents). 

Vault Guides

Vault Guide to Public Relations Jobs, Third Edition

The Vault Guides to Jobs series provides essential information about key careers and industries, with an emphasis on preparing for …

Vault Guide to Advertising Jobs, Third Edition

The Vault Guides to Jobs series provides essential information about key careers and industries, with an emphasis on preparing for …

Vault Guide to Media and Entertainment Jobs, Third Edition

The Vault Guides to Jobs series provides essential information about key careers and industries, with an emphasis on preparing for …

Featured Resources