Become Career Ready: Skills Employers Seek Resources

Find an Internship and Co-op (On and Off Campus)

Internships and co-ops can help you enhance one or more of the NACE competencies. Here are some examples of how …

Courses & Academic Pursuits

You are getting a UConn degree by taking courses in your program area and if you’re an undergraduate, through General …

Campus Involvement

While you are studying at UConn it is a great time to try new things. By getting involved in college …


Research can be broadly defined as the systematic investigation of data and other materials that leads to the creation of new knowledge …

UConn Leadership & Certificate Programs

These experiences aim to empower individuals and groups to elevate their leadership identities and strengthen active membership in their communities.

Service Opportunities & Volunteerism

A great space to enhance NACE competencies is through participating in UConn’s Community Outreach programs, volunteering through another organization or …


A fellowship can be broadly described as a monetary award given to a student to pay for academic pursuits, often involving research. …

Job Shadows

Job shadowing is an excellent way to explore and develop a deeper understanding of your career interests, including the career …

Career Readiness Modules

Career Readiness Modules are short interactive units designed to support you with career development preparation throughout your time at UConn. …