Moving from Thought into Action

Moving from thought into action is often a challenging process. Sometimes it is difficult to take action because it feels like there is a lot at risk and that ends up having an immobilizing effect. At other times it seems that there are too many options and one can easily get stuck contemplating the “best choice,” though there are often many “best choices.” As a professor in one of my graduate courses once said, “You can only stay in your head so long and then eventually you have to do something!” People who take more action, put more time into doing than thinking. They recognize that by doing something, they put more things into motion and usually get closer to accomplishing what they desire.

So when you are feeling stuck, consider asking yourself one or more of the following questions to prompt you to articulate “next steps” and to take action:

What would I advise a friend to do? We always have advice for friends; consider using this same lens when thinking about your own next steps.

What three steps can I take if I choose option A? How about if I choose option B? Identify a few steps with each option and you might find that some steps overlap, helping you to move down more than one path.

If I only had one day to dedicate to my project, what steps would I take? This question often illuminates an action step that is a priority; and by putting it into motion, it will likely create clarity about other next steps.

What action can I take one minute from now, one hour from now, one day from now? Use these questions to prompt you to accomplish three action steps in 24 hours──quite possibly more than you have accomplished in the past 24 hours. 

The Center for Career Development’s staff can help you to develop action plans for your career exploration and future job search. Call (860) 486-3013 to schedule an appointment.

Vision is not enough, it must be combined with venture. It is not enough to stare up the steps, we must step up the stairs.”

~ Vaclav Havel

Free Image: Pixabay

By Kay Kimball Gruder
Kay Kimball Gruder Associate Director, Graduate Student & Postdoc Career Programs and Services | Pronouns: she/her/hers