Explore Majors

Selecting or changing a major can be a challenge for students and a lot of students stress over the possibility of choosing the “wrong” major. In fact, one third of students who have declared a major, change their major at least once. Exploration is a good thing! The Center for Career Development can help you evaluate your possibilities and implications on your future career. Here are some ways to get started:

Here are a few things to get you started:

  • Take a self assessment to learn more about your interests and values and see which majors and careers may be a good fit for you
  • Learn about what majors exist at UConn using the Major Profiles tool
  • Narrow down your options using the Major Elimination Tool
  • See what Alumni do with the major you are considering
  • The Major Experience (TME) offers a wealth of major exploration tools including career trajectories based on major, the ability to connect with peers in majors on campus, and good courses to take to get a sense of what a major is like.

Not sure what your next steps should be in selecting a major? Schedule an appointment in Handshake with a Career Coach and get a personal guide for your journey!

Featured Resources

Identify a Major and Career

Focus 2 can help you choose a major, explore occupations, and make informed career decisions through assessments of your values, …

Career Coaching

Bridge the gap between “where you are” and “where you want to be” through the goal-oriented and action-oriented process of …

The Major Experience (TME)

The Major Experience (TME) is a University-wide major exploration program, designed to help students explore majors in a holistic, interactive, and intentional manner. TME …

Majors to Careers

Are you trying to figure out what to do with your major? Are you wondering what students and alumni in …

Major Elimination Activity

It’s often easier to first identify the majors you DON’T want to do. This step gives you the opportunity to eliminate majors in …

UConn Undergraduate Catalog

Review majors, minors, and courses available at UConn.

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