Self-assessments can help you to explore and affirm things like your interests, values, skills, and personality and give you ideas for how those traits fit into potential careers. To receive the most accurate results when taking a self-assessment, it is important to answer questions honestly and to complete the assessment when you feel least rushed.
- Undergraduate and graduate students can utilize Focus 2 to explore interests, skills, personality, and work interests, exploring occupations and if an undergraduate student to aid in the selection of a major.
- The O*Net Interest profile is a free resource that aligns your interest patterns with those in a sampling of 867 detailed occupations.
- PhD students in humanities and social sciences disciplines can utilize ImaginePhD to gain a better understanding of career-related skills, interests, values, and alignment with job families.
- For graduate students in the sciences, MyIDP provides exercises to help examine skills, interests, values, and includes information on 20 scientific career paths.
- Graduate students and postdoctoral scholars in the chemical sciences can check out ChemIDP which include assessing skills and values and exploring careers.
Although self-assessments can be a helpful tool in making career decisions, they are only a small piece of the puzzle, and you may benefit from meeting with a career coach to discuss your results and develop next steps.