Find an Internship or Co-op

Looking for an internship or co-op is more than typing in a key word and applying for whatever position you find. For the most rewarding experience, take some time determine what you do and don’t want out of the internship or co-op. Here are a few steps to ensure that your experience meets expectations and sets you on the path you want to pursue.

Featured Resources

Internship & Co-op Guide

Both internships & co-ops are work/learning experiences that provide a hands-on way for students to confirm their choice of major …

Find an Internship and Co-op (On and Off Campus)

Internships and co-ops can help you enhance one or more of the NACE competencies. Here are some examples of how …

Internship Types, Definitions, and Legal Facts

Internships are work/learning experiences that provide a hands-on way for students to confirm choice of major and/or career in a …

A Part-Time Job vs. an Internship or Co-op
Earn Credit for an Internship

UConn has over 70 majors that offer course credit for an internship.

Steps to Arrange a Co-op with the Career Center

UConn Career Center Co-op Process, Policies, & Procedures

Co-op stands for Cooperative Education and references when a student participates in …

Featured Articles

Additional Resources for Grad Students

Internship Search for Graduate Students

Internships aren’t just for undergraduate students! Check out this webinar to learn what an internship looks like, what value it …

Graduate Internship Courses

If a graduate student will be engaging in an internship and plans to earn academic credit, there are multiple internship …