UConn’s Academic Opportunities in Healthcare – Medical Science

As a UConn student there are many ways to get involved in a future career around Healthcare and Wellness through specific schools, offered programs, and individualized majors and minors. The importance of Healthcare and Wellness is a growing topic in our education and UConn’s commitment to impactful and informative programs demonstrates that.

There are many ways to get involved academically, starting with UConn’s health-centered schools: The School of Dental Medicine, School of Medicine, School of Nursing, and School of Pharmacy. Each school offers a variety of majors and minors, specific programs, and specialized departments to prepare UConn’s future health community for the world ahead.

UConn School of Dental Medicine

The School of Dental Medicine offers Predoctoral or Health Opportunity Programs that include special curriculums, clinical training, and a number of topics in the dental world. Information on programs around General Dentistry, Pediatric Dentistry, Oral Surgery, and more can be found HERE under Programs and Admissions.

UConn School of Medicine

The School of Medicine offers admission into numerous doctoral programs including completion of one’s M.D., PH.D., M.B.A, and M.P.H. along with non-doctoral tracks within their programs. For more information on all programs, Pre-Medical School Opportunities, and Special Programs in Medicine, visit the website HERE under Perspective Students.

UConn School of Nursing

The School of Nursing offers Undergraduate Programs, Certificate Entry into Nursing (CEIN) Programs, Online Graduate Programs, and Ph.D. Programs. The numerous amount of opportunities and degrees in the nursing world can be applied for and researched further on their Website.

UConn School of Pharmacy

The School of Pharmacy offers paths in BS/Pharm.D., Ph.D., and dual degree programs. There are many different degree and program pathways to prepare future pharmacy students for their strongest academic future. Access to these degrees and more information on their Fellowships and Residencies can be found HERE.

By Kathryn Ferencsik
Kathryn Ferencsik