Should I Consider Applying to Law School Rather Than Seeking Employment during the COVID-19 Era?

Are you considering applying to law school rather than seeking employment during the COVID-19 era? Many college students are now considering graduate school as an option, rather than jumping into an uncertain job market. The decision to apply to law school now rather than later may depend on current personal commitments and financial circumstances. College students who are interested in pursuing law degrees after graduation generally have two options:

  1. Apply to law school directly after graduation.
  2. Wait until after they secure employment and gain more skills/experience.

There are many factors to consider before making this career decision. College students may want to spend time reflecting on their career/lifestyle values/preferences (pros vs cons/advantages vs disadvantages) and assessing their career goals in order to determine whether these factors align with a career in law.

Here are some questions college students may want to ask themselves before making their final decisions:

  • What are my reasons for pursuing a law degree? Are my reasons valid and viable?
  • What type of law would I want to practice and why?
  • Have I done sufficient career research in the law field to make an informed decision?
  • Have I explored related professions that may be more suitable for me?

 In addition to the self-reflection/assessment process, it is recommended that college students conduct career research in the field of law in order to make informed decisions.  Research can be conducted online (e.g.: blogs, articles, journals, associations), as well as through remote informational interviews/shadowing experiences with law professors, law students, alumni with law degrees, and other practicing lawyers in fields of interest.

Some career resources that may be helpful for research and the decision-making process include:

If you are a UConn Husky student or alumnus and need additional guidance, please contact the UConn Center for Career Development to schedule an appointment with a Career Coach.  Additional online career resources can be found on the UConn Center for Career Development website.

By Robin Shefts
Robin Shefts Assistant Director (Hartford Campus)