Unitarian Universalist Views of Faith in the Workplace

“How do you express your faith in the work that you do? How do religious values and spiritual practice challenge your work life?

In Democracy in America (1835), Alexis de Toqueville noted the American hunger for a spiritual life. How we “steal an hour” to “lay aside the petty passions which agitate life” and “stray into an ideal world where all is great, eternal and pure.” Many recognize that same hunger today.

The five writers below tell of commitment to Unitarian Universalist (UU) values of equality, human dignity, justice, and compassion and how they have accepted the challenge to integrate them more fully into the whole of their lives, particularly their vocational lives.”- Rosemarie C. Smurzynsk

To read more about the five writers of the Unitarian Universalist religion, head on over to https://www.uua.org/beliefs/what-we-do/spirituality/work 

Photo by Lex Photography: https://www.pexels.com/photo/silver-magic-keyboard-1109543/

By Rosemarie C. Smurzynsk
Rosemarie C. Smurzynsk Unitarian Universalist Views of Faith in the Workplace