Healthcare and Wellness Career Options Beyond the Medical Sciences

There is a constantly growing amount of career options focused on Health and Wellness beyond the Medical Sciences. Medical Sciences include careers that research and improve physical bodily functioning. Beyond one’s physical health, the creation of a healthy lifestyle that promotes positive mental functioning utilizes many important careers as well. This includes careers focusing on nutrition, mental health, spiritual practices, life planning, and more that abide by the same principles and goals of overall health. These themes focus on improving one’s mental functioning, happiness in their environment or job, stress management, and overall positive lifestyle choices.

Some careers in nutrition and promoting healthy lifestyles include Nutritionists, Physical Trainers, and Instructors who practice spiritual tools such as Yoga, Reiki, Meditation, and Acupuncture. Careers around Mental Health include options such as Therapists, Counselors or Advisors, Life Coaches, Wellness Consultants, and a numerous list of professionals devoted to improving mental functioning. These careers are just a few professions that include properties of Health and Wellness in our society.

Do you want to hear from UConn alumna working in the Healthcare field that did not go to medical school? Check out our Pathways to Healthcare series!

By Kathryn Ferencsik
Kathryn Ferencsik