An effective job search incorporates several strategies… and an openness to the idea that sometimes you learn about a job opening because you were at the right place, at the right time, talking to the right person.

Spend more time connecting with people than on job posting sites. And when you are on job posting sites focus on websites that feature the types of jobs you seek.

With research showing that at least 70% of jobs are never posted, connecting with others becomes a central strategy to conducting a successful job search. You will ask people for advice, not jobs, but as they get to know you they might want to refer or recommend you for a position.

Being prepared for a job search means that you have adequately prepared to be a competitive candidate.


Job Search Action Plan

Use the Job Search Action Plan to help organize your job search.

Academic Job Search Timetable

Use the Academic Job Search Timetable to help you organize an academic job search.

Fraudulent Employers: Tips for Students

The UConn Center for Career Development makes every effort to screen employers and job postings on Handshake. However, the Center …


Interstride is an interactive career platform designed to enhance the career exploration and job search experience for international students. It …

Job Market Insights

Use this real life employment data from across the country to help inform your career decision making.

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