UNIV 1881 (previously 1991)

Location: United States

Course; Grading: UNIV 1881; Satisfactory (S)/Unsatisfactory (U) 
Course co-requisites; Grading: N/A
Possible number of credits: One
Course prerequisites: N/A
Minimum class standing and GPA: Any matriculated undergraduate; 2.00/4.00 
Academic work requirement: Weekly assignments, mid-point and final evaluations, and a final project. 
Can non-majors receive credit? Open to all majors. 
Additional information: Students must secure internship and enroll in course prior to the add/drop deadline during the fall and spring semesters, July 10th for summer opportunities. Students must work a minimum of 42 hours during the term to earn credit. Internship must be at least 5 hours per week for a minimum of 6 weeks. Internship may be virtual or on-site, and on-site experiences may not occur in a home environment.  May not intern in a position that reports, directly or indirectly, to a family member.  Course may be repeated once. Does not fill any general education or major requirements.
Course application:
Click here.

Ways to find an internship: 

Internships can be found through networking with faculty, staff, friends, and family, posted on Handshake via https://uconn.joinhandshake.com/login, or through online resources https://career.uconn.edu/resources/find-an-internship-on-and-off-campus/.

For more information about internship policies in this department, please contact:

The Center for Career Development Internship Team – internships@uconn.edu, (860) 486-3013