Are you thinking about your career and long term goals? Do you want to use what you studied here at UConn in your first job or a career? Are you considering if graduate school is the right option for you? Utilize the resources below to start answering these questions and learning how your UConn experience is preparing you for your career after college.

Reliable, intuitive decision-making with Focus 2 helps you choose a major, explore occupations, career paths, and make informed career decisions. Get started developing your personalized career and education plans!

Career Communities are industry-focused groups that assist undergraduate and graduate students in narrowing down their career aspirations into manageable and relevant fields. Students who are exploring their options can find helpful content through the Career Exploration Community page.

Bridge the gap between “where you are” and “where you want to be” through the goal-oriented & action-oriented process of career coaching. Meet with a dedicated professional to discuss your academic & career related plans, and get empowered to make decisions & move forward.