There are many resources available to you as you start your job search. These resources will help you organize your search, locate opportunities, connect you to job boards and much more! Another key component to a successful job search is networking and although for many it is intimidating, it is a skill that can be learned and improved throughout your lifetime. The tools and resources below can assist you in starting your job search.
Handshake is the Center’s recruiting system for managing many of the recruiting-related activities we offer to students. Use Handshake to find job opportunities, internships, and on-campus interviews posted by employers looking for UConn students.
Successful job searching requires organization of key documents. Find out what you will need when applying by watching this video.
Bridge the gap between “where you are” and “where you want to be” through the goal-oriented and action-oriented process of career coaching. Meet with a dedicated professional to discuss your academic and career related plans, and get empowered to make decisions and move forward.