Education & Social Services Resources
Many programs in education and social services include practicum experiences. Learn more about those here.
- Practicum Requirements: UConn Counselor Education & Counselor Psychology – Review practicum requirements for UConn’s Counselor Education Master’s Program.
- Practicum Requirements: UConn Higher Education & Student Affairs – Review practicum requirements for UConn’s Higher Education and Student Affairs Master’s Program.
- Counseling Internships and Practicums – Read about the differences between an internship and a practicum in the education field.
- Neag Teacher Education FAQs – Review answers to common questions about student teaching, clinic hours, and internship hours for UConn’s Integrated Bachelor’s/Master’s (IB/M) program and Teacher Certification Program for College Graduates (TCPCG).
- The Student Teaching Survival Guide – This guide, compiled by experts from STEPS (Student Training & Education in Public Service) outlines advice on how to make the most of your student teaching experience.
- Educational Organizations in CT – Browse this list of state-wide and regional education-related organizations in CT. Many of these organizations offer networking and informational events, and some even have formalized student teaching or internship opportunities.