Welcome to the Middle Eastern and North African Affinity Community Page!

Affinity communities are identity-focused groups that provide specialized resources and content that centers diversity, equity, and inclusion within the career development journey for students with minoritized identities. This page contains information on professional and student organizations you could get involved in, success story and advice blogs, and events and other resources centered around Middle Eastern and North African students and professionals throughout their career development journey.

You can get email updates on this community by clicking the “Follow this affinity community” link on the right-hand side of the page. If you have any questions related to the Middle Eastern and North African Affinity Community, other affinity communities, or general career topics, you’re welcome to make an appointment with one of our career coaches using the hyperlink below the “follow this affinity community” button.


Featured Articles


LinkedIn Groups by Affinity Community

If you are interested in expanding your network, consider joining a LinkedIn group! LinkedIn groups provide spaces for professionals with …

Graduate School Scholarships by Affinity Community

There are many scholarships and fellowships available for Graduate students within specific Affinity communities, representing various areas of study and …

Arab Community Center for Economic and Social Services

ACCESS strives to enable and empower individuals, families and communities to lead informed, productive and culturally sensitive lives. As a …

Arab-American Business and Professional Association Institute

The ABPA Institute is a conduit to create opportunities that allows minority students to test drive their careers. We connect …

Podcasts for Your Affinity Group

Podcasts can be thought-provoking, funny, and enlightening!  These podcasts allow us to appreciate the life and career experiences of people …

Equal Opportunity Publications, Inc. (EOP)

Since 1968, Equal Opportunity Publications, Inc. (EOP) has led the way in diversity recruitment with a portfolio of seven national …